Friday 16 August 2024

Swift UI app to exchange currency using Api using MVVM


import SwiftUI

import Combine

// View

struct CurrencyConverterView1: View {

    @StateObject private var viewModel = CurrencyConverterView1Model()

    var body: some View {

        VStack {

            Picker("Select Currency", selection: $viewModel.selectedCurrency) {

                ForEach(viewModel.currencies, id: \.self) { currency in






            TextField("Enter Amount", text: $viewModel.amount)




            if let results = viewModel.convertedResults {// list view if data added

                List(results, id: \.currency) { result in

                    HStack {



                        Text(String(format: "%.2f", result.amount))





        .onAppear {

            viewModel.loadRates() // call api to fetch data 




// View Model

class CurrencyConverterView1Model: ObservableObject {

    @Published var currencies: [String] = []

    @Published var selectedCurrency: String = "USD"

    @Published var amount: String = "1"

    @Published var convertedResults: [ConversionResult1]?

    private var rates: [String: Double] = [:]

    private let dataService = ExchangeRatesService()

    func loadRates() {// Check if data outdated

        if dataService.isDataStale() { // last time check

            dataService.fetchRates { [weak self] rates in

                DispatchQueue.main.async {

                    self?.rates = rates

                    self?.currencies = Array(rates.keys)




        } else// Load from local storage

            rates = dataService.loadRatesFromStorage()

            currencies = Array(rates.keys)




    func convertAmount() {

        guard let inputAmount = Double(amount) else { return }

        convertedResults = { currency, rate in

            ConversionResult1(currency: currency, amount: inputAmount * rate)





struct ConversionResult1 {

    let currency: String

    let amount: Double


//Service class that handles fetching and local storage

class ExchangeRatesService {

    private let apiURL = ""

    private let appID = "Get yOur own key from the website"

    private let lastFetchKey = "LastFetchDate"

    private let storageKey = "SavedRates"

    func fetchRates(completion: @escaping ([String: Double]) -> Void) {

        guard let url = URL(string: "\(apiURL)?app_id=\(appID)") else { return }


        URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in

            if let data = data {

                if let json = try? JSONDecoder().decode(RatesResponse.self, from: data) {








    func isDataStale() -> Bool {// chekc if data is old

        if let lastFetch = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: lastFetchKey) as? Date {

            return Date().timeIntervalSince(lastFetch) > 1800 // 30 minutes  = 60*30secs


        return true


    func loadRatesFromStorage() -> [String: Double] { // load existing data from userdefults

        return UserDefaults.standard.dictionary(forKey: storageKey) as? [String: Double] ?? [:]


    private func saveRatesToStorage(_ rates: [String: Double]) {

        UserDefaults.standard.set(rates, forKey: storageKey)


    private func saveLastFetchDate() {

        UserDefaults.standard.set(Date(), forKey: lastFetchKey)



struct RatesResponse: Codable {

    let rates: [String: Double]


#Preview {



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