Monday, 6 January 2020

iPhone not connecting to MacBook. iPhone getting disconnected from iTunes and Xcode

Are you facing the problem that your iPhone connect and disconnect to your system?
Xcode iTunes unable to read the device from the USB.
All you need to just restart your USB port.
- Open Terminal app
- Type the following command. 
sudo killall -STOP -c usbd
- Reconnect the iPhone. Problem is resolved.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

User Permissions iOS in info.plist

For asking user permission developer must key-string pairs in Info.plist
<string>Developer's description to ask for permission from the user.</string>
If developer wants to use camera for video call, then user should ask for
1. photo gallery, 2. microphone, 3. camera
1.) <key>NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription</key>
<string>This app requires access to the photo library for profile picture.</string>
2.) <key>NSMicrophoneUsageDescription</key>
<string>This app does not require access to the microphone for call.</string>
3.) <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key>
<string>This app requires access to the camera for video call.</string>
Apple Document for properties list key references.: 
Few More Examples:
Apple Music:
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
Health Share:
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
Health Update:
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
Home Kit:
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
Location (Always):
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
Location (When in use):
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
Motion (Accelerometer):
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
NFC (Near-field communication): 
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
Photo Library:
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
Photo Library (Write-only access):
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>
Speech Recognition:
<string>Developer description to get permission to access this capability</string>